Mar Aprem Sunday school
To disciple children in their Holy Apostolic Church faith by teaching and modeling traits of Bible
reading, fellowship, and prayer Rev. Fr. Padavupurakkal Thomas alias Kuruvilachan started an
organization namely Gospel Children Shining Light Sunday School in 1905.
In 1914 the organization was renamed to Bethani Sunday School and again in 1920 to Mar
Aprem Sunday School.
The first known syllabus was prepared by late Mar Abimalek Timotheus Metropolitan in
1914. Later modifications were done by our priests in various years. The syllabus involves bible
study, church history, Patrology and Syriac language. A constitution for the organization came in to
effect on June 13, 1998. Now we have a committee elected from Sunday School Teachers and a
Secretary nominated by the Metropolitan. The period of the committee lasts for two years.
Youth’s, Women youth’s, Men’s, Women’s Associations
These Fellowships are intended to instruct the believers in what it means to be a Christian,
how to mature as a Christian, and how to encourage others to claim Jesus as their Saviour. This is
accomplished through the Bible teachings and various Philanthropic activities.
Each Parish has its own branches. A central committee encourages and monitors its
activities. Its administration is regulated by our constitution.
Suvisesha Sangam
To enlighten the minds of the people through the mysteries of the gospel, this organization
started under the patronage of Mar Aprem Metropolitan in 1973. The constitution for the organization
came in to effect on December 30, 1999.